We are trying to find a new name for our newsletter. In order to get as many ideas as possible we thought of having a competition and a price to be won. The prize is a life size poster of Srila Prabhupada reserved for that entry which will eventually be chosen as the title for our Leicester community newsletter. What are we looking for? Well, a name which is appealing in particular to our Leicester community, which sounds good and which has a nice and appropriate meaning. Here are a few entries just to give you some idea: Atma Nivedanam, Saranagati and Gauranga Sandesh. |
The best title will be chosen by a jury of five devotees. The prize will be dispatched to that individual who's proposed name will then be used for the newsletter. Entries should be made by filling in the form below. The deadline is the 1st of October 1999. Please take a minute to fill out the form below if you want to take part in the competition. Thank you very much!
My proposed Newsletter Title: What does it mean? (if you know) My Name: My E-mail Address:
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